Once you have separated from your partner, you will most likely require legal advice to divide your assets.
We have a number of different approaches to assisting clients in resolving disputes regarding property matters following a separation, and in reaching agreement. These include mediation (with an independent third party who can assist you by facilitating discussions to reach agreement), collaborative law (where the parties and their lawyers agree to a series of “four way meetings” and sign a contract that they will not litigate), by direct negotiation (between lawyers by way of correspondence, or direct discussions via a conference), or by way of litigation through the Court process.
Our advice will depend on the particular circumstances of your case and will be tailored by your specific needs and that of your family. We take a commercial and common sense approach to such matters, to ensure that your desired outcome is achieved.
The court has the discretion to make property orders that are just and equitable between the parties and in the circumstances of each case. In exercising that discretion, the court adopts a four (4) step process:
Our team can assist you by providing detailed advices as to your property settlement entitlements and will assist you in attempting to negotiate a commercial outcome. In the event that your matter cannot be resolved by agreement, or by mediation or collaborative law, our specialist lawyers will assist you in the litigation process.
Fill out the form below or give us a call: +61 3 8600 6000