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Sexual Harassment in the workplace – What employers need to know

Employment Law: 04 October 2024

The last few months has seen a spike in queries relating to sexual harassment in the workplace, illustrating that despite numerous #MeToo campaigns many employees are still not able to go to work without having to deal with sexually charged “jokes”, unwanted touching or worse…

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Independent contractor or employee + Closing the Loopholes

Employment Law: 07 August 2024

The Closing the Loopholes legislation includes principles to apply when determining the ordinary meaning of an 'employer' and 'employee' and requiring an assessment of the real substance, practical reality and true nature of the working relationship by considering the 'totality' of the relationship.

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New rules for Fixed Term contracts from 6 December 2023

Employment Law: 17 November 2023

As part of the Closing the Loopholes legislation contracts will not be allowed to be for a fixed term of longer than 2 years. This includes contracts which can by agreement be extended beyond 2 years. Nor can fixed term contracts be extended more than once, even if the total period is for less than 2 years.

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Understanding Payment in Lieu of Notice: What You Need to Know

Employment Law: 26 September 2023

The National Employment Standards (NES) under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) mandate the minimum notice period an employer must provide to terminate an employee's contract. However, the concept of "payment in lieu of notice" is often misunderstood. This article aims to provide an overview of what payment in lieu of notice entails, its legal implications, and common misconceptions in practice.

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